The OTP Fáy András Foundation, with its partner institution OTP Ready Foundation, started the operation of its European Union funded Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperatin Program’s “Financial-economic education without borders” project. One the professional elements of this project is the now starting adult education method trainings.
The aim of the project is reach as many students, parents, and educator in Hungary and Slovakia as possible, the developed and tested method on which the free financial, economic and management trainings rest. The main focus of the project is financial mindfulness, as well as financial and future oriented planning. Furthermore, it contributes to the financial culture and development of entrepreneurships of both countries, just like to their education reforms and acts as an aid to battling emigration and disadvantaged well-being.
To achieve all this, the two foundations extend their education-professional activities to the adult population as well, by engaging in conversation with and involving responsible parents and educators, contributing directly to the adult population’s and indirectly to the future generation’s financial and management skills and competences and to expanding their daily financial practices.
The aim of the training of youth trainers is for the assigned trainers form both foundations to acquire appropriate, and later applicable skills and practices in the field of effective adult trainings – and in parallel to this – in the field of adult learning. The aim is for them to familiarise themselves with adult roles, to expand and enrich their already possessed student training skills with relevant adult training methods. Furthermore, for them to be able to hold effective and successful adult oriented trainings, specifically concentrating on financial and management skills, and to later transfer their newly acquired skills and knowledges to their colleagues and the stakeholders of both foundation. Additionally, it is a priority aim for the “method training of trainers” in future periods – concurrently the current experiences of the trainings – to be able to develop new training materials, and thus to be able to sensitises and train the target groups (responsible parents and educators).
The altogether 15 days long training sessions will close with an exam on the 31st of August.